Kenny Miller Sticks Boot Into SFA And Insists Rangers Celtic Penalty Call “Stinks”


Former Rangers striker Kenny Miller has claimed that controversial Old Firm penalty call “doesn’t sit right” with him.

The former Ibrox hitman also claims that the entire thing “stinks” as the row continues to rumble on between Rangers and the SFA.

With the winter break nearly three weeks long, it looks like this is the start of quite a sorry saga with Rangers unlikely to relent, and Kenny Miller thinks with good reason.

Rangers Willie Collum Celtic row rumbles on

The entire thing centres around a blatant Alistair Johnston hand ball in the 2-1 defeat Parkhead, where the Celtic defender tapped the ball away from Abdallah Sima in the first half.

Whilst VAR failed to issue an on-field review in the moment, later in the match the authorities flashed up a dubious still which appears to show Abdallah Sima offside.Kenny Miller sticks boot into SFA and insists Rangers Celtic penalty call “ stinks”

Rangers manager Philippe Clement was left furious after the match and the Ibrox side demanded the VAR conversation around the decision be made public.

After hearing the conversation between on-pitch referee Nick Walsh and Willie Collum in the VAR room, Rangers claim there was no mention of offside when the decision was made whilst also being “deeply concerned” at the haste the refereeing team made the judgement. The SFA have since refuted details of the statement Rangers released to media, although it’s not clear which details.

With referees and VAR put under immense pressure by Celtic fan penalty conspiracies in the run up to the match—where Celtic also ignored an SPFL ruling to lock Rangers fans out of the ground – it’s added to a sense of injustice surrounding the incident.

Rangers manager Clement was also concerned with Celtic players avoiding second yellow cards in the match, with Alistair Johnston and Bernardo Silva lucky to remain on the park.

Kenny Miller: Old Firm penalty “stinks”

Got that? Good.

Well now the conversation is raging surrounding the incident and who’d have thought Kenny Miller would be such a solid voice of reason amongst the entire thing.

Celtic fans claim we’re bringing the game into disrepute (without a hint of irony might I add) whilst Rangers fans are split between demanding action and just trying to move on from the whole sorry affair.

Speaking on Clyde Supersscoreboard about the penalty incident – in which Willie Collum really does not show up well – Miler claims the entire thing “stinks”

“They realised there was a mistake that’s been,” said Kenny Miller. “‘Oh but wait a minute, there is an offside that negates the mistake anyway so we’ll put that out there’.

“As if that’s the reason the penalty has not been given; Willie Collum just never thought it was a penalty.

“That’s it and that’s why John (the caller) is right, it does stink. It doesn’t sit right with me the way that kind of played out, not at all.

When host Gordon Duncan suggested Collum had tried to do the right thing, Miller responded: “I don’t think they’re trying to do the right thing.

“I don’t think they’ve tried to do the right thing by putting the offside out. I think it’s trying to correct a mistake that they’ve made.”

There might not be an end to the entire thing any time soon either.

There have even been suggestions that Willie Collum shouldn’t be allowed to continue officiating Rangers matches going forward.


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