The Bird’s Flying Apart: Legendary Couple’s Marriage in Crisis

Larry Bird, the basketball legend, and his wife Dinah Mattingly, are facing a full-court press on their marriage. Sources close to the couple reveal that their relationship has hit a roadblock, and they are struggling to find a way forward.

According to insiders, the couple’s differences have been escalating, and their once-strong bond is beginning to fray. “They’re at a crossroads,” a source said. “They need to figure out if they can work through their issues or if it’s time to call a timeout on their marriage.”

The couple’s troubles have been brewing for some time, with Larry’s intense focus on his sports career and Dinah’s dedication to her own pursuits creating tension in their relationship. Despite their efforts to reconcile, their arguments have become more frequent and more heated.

Fans are rooting for the couple to overcome their challenges and rekindle their love. “They’re an inspiration to so many,” said one fan. “I hope they can work things out and continue to be the amazing couple we’ve grown to love.”

Only time will tell if Larry and Dinah can find a way to revive their marriage and get back to the love and happiness they once shared.

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