This Morning, The Texas Rangers Received Awful News


We all face unavoidable setbacks and unexpected challenges in various facets of our lives. Disappointments, like weather patterns, are unpredictable and can occur at any time. These disappointments might materialize in personal relationships, career endeavors, or even everyday activities, causing you to feel frustrated, depressed, or disillusioned. To weather disappointment, you must be resilient, adaptive, and upbeat in order to manage the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

We all may have realized that setbacks are a natural part of life. Just as weather conditions change, so do circumstances, and disappointments are an inherent part of the human experience. Embracing this reality can help you cope with setbacks more effectively, enabling you to bounce back with newfound determination and grit.

I regularly have to advise clients of both good and bad news. One is more enjoyable to communicate than the other, but being able to communicate bad news is an important task and skill. The news I’m communicating can have a serious impact on my client’s lives and businesses and may relate to a disappointing outcome for me professionally. Even when I am seriously disappointed with an outcome or situation that I may view as a professional failure or shortcoming by me or someone on my team, or a bad decision by a judge, I have to put that disappointment and frustration to the side and take the next step in speaking with my client, acknowledging how the news will impact them. These situations bring up other life lessons including expressing empathy and learning to walk in my client’s shoes.

Furthermore, disappointment often serves as a valuable teacher. It teaches you to be patient, flexible, and resourceful. Just as you prepare for unexpected weather changes by carrying an umbrella or wearing layers, you can prepare for life’s disappointments by developing coping mechanisms, seeking support from co-workers, family, or friends, and cultivating a positive mindset. In the face of disappointment, you can learn to recalibrate your expectations, set realistic goals, and find alternative paths to achieve your objectives.

In the fourth game of the 2023 World Series, I watched the Arizona Diamondbacks get behind the Texas Rangers by a score of 10-0 in the third inning. It was early in the game that, at that point, seemed like an inevitable loss. The Diamondbacks did lose, but by a score of 11-7. The team could have phoned it in and looked forward to the next game. Instead, they scored 6 runs in the last two innings, never giving up despite how disappointing it had to be to give up 10 runs to the Rangers over two early innings in the game.

Watching, I saw this as a lesson in knowing things can change fast and bring profound disappointment. Just as the Rangers had big innings, the Diamondbacks could too. Of course, in the game of life it also is important to know when to throw in the towel and move on, but that is a topic for another day.

When you weather disappointment it can foster personal growth and resilience. Adversity has the power to reveal your inner strength and character. Overcoming disappointments requires tenacity and the ability to learn from failures, leading to increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence. When you navigate through disappointments with grace and perseverance you often emerge wiser and more resilient, equipped to handle future challenges with greater ease.

Even though disappointment is an unavoidable aspect of life, learning skills to deal with it can make those moments easier to navigate and faster to pass. By acknowledging the inevitability of disappointing moments and embracing the lessons they offer, you can develop the resilience and adaptability needed to overcome setbacks. Weathering disappointment with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn will lead you to less stress and better outcomes in disappointing and frustrating moments in the future.


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